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2024-06-10 05:20:02


There seems to be an issue with players not appearing on the leaderboard in League of Legends mobile. This is due to a problem with the distribution of tags; currently, the system hasn't issued these tags to players, resulting in no display in the system, which has left many puzzled. Let's delve into the reasons why there are no players on the leaderboard in League of Legends mobile.

What's Going on with No Players on the Leaderboard in League of Legends Mobile? Analysis of the Reasons for No Players on the Leaderboard [Multiple Images] Image 1

At the hero rankings section, after selecting the battle zone, it shows that there are currently no players on the leaderboard. Today, being Monday, many were looking forward to checking the rankings, but now they can't see anything. Originally, these titles were supposed to be issued on Monday, but many people are reporting that the tags haven't been distributed yet. This situation seems to be a bug in the game, which requires official intervention to fix.

What's Going on with No Players on the Leaderboard in League of Legends Mobile? Analysis of the Reasons for No Players on the Leaderboard [Multiple Images] Image 2

Rankings Titles:

1. For players on the rank and hero leaderboards, they receive corresponding ranking titles after the weekly leaderboard settlement.

2. Players on the national and regional leaderboards will have their titles settled at 00:30 every Monday after a week of competition. Players on the leaderboard will receive corresponding leaderboard titles.

3. Once obtained, titles can be held and used for a week until the next week's settlement.

If your national tag hasn't been issued yet, it's likely just a game bug that may require some time before it's rectified.




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