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2024-08-23 03:10:01


Exploring the dynamics of the "Protecting Ancient Texts" event in "明日之后" ("After Tomorrow") can be quite intriguing, with layers waiting to be uncovered. Players delve into its intricacies by carefully following the event's instructions, ensuring a more fruitful outcome. Below, we present a comprehensive guide on how to navigate this event.

A Guide to Playing 'Protecting Ancient Texts' in 明日之后: Strategies and Tips [Multiple Images] Picture 1

Strategies for the "Protecting Ancient Texts" Event:

Suddenly, flames engulf the Misska Park area, putting the precious books in the library at risk. The rescue mission must commence immediately!

Amidst the thick smoke in the library, survivors encounter texts of varying sizes. Successfully salvaging these books earns points, with higher points yielding better rewards!

However, expect numerous crises to emerge during the rescue operation. Rumor has it that Heimdall's drones are also on-site, suggesting that this fire may not be as straightforward as it seems...

A Guide to Playing 'Protecting Ancient Texts' in 明日之后: Strategies and Tips [Multiple Images] Picture 2

From December 30, 2021, to January 12, 2022, survivors with proficiency levels of 15 or higher in three skill sets can form teams of eight during the event. They venture to the Misska Park library to rescue precious books and canvas fragments for the Trade Alliance. Precious books can be exchanged for points, which lead to rewards once a certain threshold is reached. The canvas fragments are used to restore world-renowned paintings, allowing players to delve into the backgrounds and creators of these masterpieces. Upon reaching a certain number of restored paintings, players receive rewards via email.




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