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2024-08-28 14:40:01


Why can't the dragons in Peace Elite fly high anymore? Recently, players trying to obtain this vehicle in the map have encountered a critical issue: the dragon cannot fly very high. This makes them easy targets for enemies, so it's important to address this problem quickly. Below, we'll analyze the reasons why the Peace Elite dragon can't fly high anymore.


Why can't the dragons in Peace Elite fly high anymore?

In a recent update, Peace Elite introduced the dragon dance gameplay, allowing players to transform into flying dragons in the sky.

Initially, the dragon vehicle could fly quite high, but lately, players have noticed that the dragons don't seem to reach the same heights anymore, and they're wondering why.

On January 13th, Peace Elite's official team conducted an emergency update maintenance, which included adjustments to the values and balance of the dragon dance and lion dance vehicles.


The official team noticed that dragons flying too high and lions running too fast were negatively impacting other players' experiences. This imbalance in vehicle strengths required immediate adjustments.

After the official adjustments, dragons can no longer fly as high as before. Now, dragon dance and lion dance vehicles are more for entertainment purposes.

In conclusion, the issue of dragons not flying high in Peace Elite is not due to player error but rather system adjustments.




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